Yesterday morning I moved to the medium security side of the prison. Around the afternoon the joint got locked down over a fight. I hate how this place locks down over a bloody nose or fat lip. Anyway that's why I haven't been able to get to the computer to send this email, and I was busy moving, dialing in my cell etc. This is very different than the time I've done. I actually have a key to my door, so I can get in and out as I please pretty much and that eliminates a lot of my stress which comes from trying to get in and out of my cell.
I already spent a lot of time with the dogs. two of them love me and one is shy, I think a little scared and nervous. but I fed her treats and she was licking me, so I am very patient with her. I am going to get a job training the dogs. and I will send u some pics of me with the dogs.
The hardest part about being out here is not having a sink and toilet in my cell. Its communal bathrooms and it makes me super uncomfortable.
We get to go outside a lot more and we can order bakery goods and there's a lot to choose from but it costs money, its not free, and they sell pizzas! So Im looking forward to buying one eventually. Lots more phone opportunities. So I think so far I'm able to stay focused on the good stuff.
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