I am reading a letter that I received from Kurtis and I want to share something with you all. I pray that he doesn't mind. I think what he is saying will show everyone just how human he really is.
"I am now on pg 166 of the WM3 book (Life After Death by Damien Echols) I am ashamed to admit that even after all I've been through I have to guard against prejudice with their case. I haven't even got to the case yet. Just reading all the pre-history makes me feel uneasy and I have to remind myself that I haven't even seen evidence yet! It is so easy to judge people and I have started gaining a new respect for jurors, their job and duty to remain objective must be nearly impossible! Jury duty should receive much more reverence then maybe people would take it seriously.
One thing is sure, no one who has never suffered prison can ever truly understand the absolute toll it takes on you. The battle you fight every day to retain some of who you really are. It robs you of YOU! Not just your family, friends, significant others, but it cuts away at you one bite at a time.
Most of us put on such a good front. We cannot admit that it's hard or how it affects us because that would make us weak. So we all wear a mask, a costume really, of strength, wisdom, joviality, or the ever carefree spirit. We all want to appear that we have it all together when in reality, we are some of the most screwed up individuals.
......I vowed I would not become one of those people in here, but every day the struggle to remain me gets a little harder."
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